European Research on Private and Public sectors´ Employee Volunteering (EV) activities and specific practices of EV in Humanitarian Aid Launched

  • The survey results will be used to provide recommendations to the ‘EU Aid Volunteers’ initiative.

The consortium made of CODESPA and CEV have launched the ‘European Research on Private and Public sectors´ Employee Volunteering (EV) activities and specific practices of EV in Humanitarian Aid’ to carry out a preparatory study on employee volunteering for the ‘2013 Preparatory Action for the EU Aid Volunteers’ initiative.

The EU’s Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) has contracted a consortium made of CODESPA and CEV to carry out a preparatory study on employee volunteering for the 2013 Preparatory Action for the EU Aid Volunteers. EU Aid Volunteers will engage 4.000 European volunteers and 10.000 on-line volunteers in humanitarian aid operations worldwide between 2014 and 2020. It has been under development since 2009 and will be formally launched in 2014.

The research aims to gather data on Employee Volunteering (EV) in EU Member States, as part of the development of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative by the European Union (EU). The results of this survey will be part of the overview and recommendations.

The survey covers EV in all forms and involving employers and employees from all sectors. It contains questions about EV in general and about EV in the field of humanitarian aid in particular.

All the organizations interested in EV can complete the survey and give their inputs at the following link: click here to access. The survey is available in English, Spanish and French (the language can be selected in the right corner of the webpage).



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