Business In The Community organiza la jornada “Sharpening skills through Employee Volunteering”

Date:  27/02/13

Time: 10:00 to 14:00

Venue: Central London tbc

Price: Different price points (see below)

The event will feature a presentation from the Community Investment Team at Rolls Royce, sharing their experience of aligning employee volunteering with staff development.

Rolls Royce has been developing a systematic approach over the years that we think may be useful for other practitioners to learn from. We will also share the latest research done on this topic and provide space for debate among practitioners on the challenges of this alignment and on specific tools that may be of use.

  • Discuss the challenges and barriers to use employee volunteering for staff development in your company
  • Explore the tools available and find solutions for your business
  • Hear from Rolls Royce on their approach to identify tools that work for you

Who is the seminar for? This event is designed for CSR, Community and Human Resources practitioners.

To register please contact

Cost:    No charge for International Leadership Team and International Support Package companies. Other members of BITC will be charged £159 + VAT. Non members of BITC will be charged £199 + VAT.

Fuente: Business in the Community


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