Reunión de socios de la iniciativa Impact 2030 en sede Naciones Unidas

IMPACT 2030 Strategy Workshop, Thursday, April 23 and Friday, April 24

We will be holding a Strategy Workshop at the United Nations with representatives from our Founding and Collaborating Partner companies and Stakeholders, along with key volunteers who have been instrumental in our start-up work to date. The agenda will include planning sessions related to our September 2030 CEO Announcement event, Inaugural Summit, and Website development; a presentation from Gallup on their World Poll project and SDG measurement initiative; and a Founding Partner lunch on Friday April 24 with members of key UN Agencies to introduce them to IMPACT 2030. The schedule is:

Thursday, April 23

  • 9:00am- Working Sessions (meeting will conclude at 5pm)SDG proposed graphic icons
  • 6:00pm- Dinner (hosted by The Ritz-Carlton – venue TBD)

Friday, April 24

  • 9:00am-Working Sessions (sessions will conclude at 12 noon)
  • 12:30pm- Founding Partner Lunch with representatives from UN Agencies to formally introduce IMPACT 2030


IMPACT 2030 Partner Updates

The influx of global companies that want to have conversations about IMPACT 2030 is very exciting. Sue Stephenson and the Partnerships Working Group has been meeting with multiple companies and preparing them to come on board officially. We are delighted to welcome TATA Consultancy Services and Edelman as our two latest Founding Partners.

As part of the collaboration, TATA Consultancy Services will be building out and hosting the our multi-lingual website that will showcase IMPACT 2030 in an exciting and engaging way; house video content, research and survey data and open access materials; provide polling and survey capabilities; integrate social media functionality; and will be accessible by the general public with additional segmented membership access tiers. Edelman will be supporting our global initiative by developing localized IMPACT 2030 messaging and materials in all appropriate regions, countries and territories; promoting IMPACT 2030 findings, reports and news to local area networks, both digital and traditional; and translating content for the IMPACT 2030 website.

Please join us in welcoming both companies and thanking them for embracing the IMPACT 2030 vision. The Partnerships working group is projecting that another ten Founding and Collaborating partners will join IMPACT 2030 by the end of April and is confident we will achieve our goal of at least 100 Founding and Collaborating partners by our September 2015 launch.

Sustainable Development Goals Graphic

Attached is a draft graphic that the United Nations has created to convey in a compelling and simplified manner the intent of the draft 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Although this is not intended to be an “official” UN visual, you are welcome to use it as a way to engage, educate and inspire people about the bold intentions of the Sustainable Development Goals.

IMPACT 2030 501c3 & Incorporation

This has been a relatively intensive process, led by Grady Lee, but we have registered IMPACT 2030 and have our Tax ID Number.  We are refining our 501c3 application to the IRS and our Bylaws so that we have the most flexibility moving forward.  Additionally, we are petitioning the IRS to expedite our application.  We feel confident that our application will be met favorably and anticipate having our non-profit status by the beginning of summer.

  Lead Conferences

A small team, led by Lynne Filderman, has been identifying conferences around the world that can act as «lead» events for IMPACT 2030, and already to date has identified 52 events. For example, Chris Jarvis and Monika Hodosi recently held an event in Hungary after the OKA Pro Bono Summit, and Chris Jarvis, Sue Stephenson and Laura Asiala have been presenting this week at the Charities@Work summit in New York City.

Governance Structure

We will be reviewing and getting your input on the IMPACT 2030 Governance structure at our meeting next month. The proposed structure includes the IMPACT 2030 Board, Executive Committee, Sector Leadership Teams and Working Groups. The structure is designed to ensure responsibilities can be managed effectively with transparency and accountability.

These are just a few of the elements that have been occupying IMPACT 2030 resources so far this year. You have played an important role in the success of this initiative so far and we look forward to our continued work together. In the meantime, please reach out to ask questions and provide your thoughts.



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